  • tfgdt
    08 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Eight - THE VOCABULARY OF SUCCESS | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄
    2023-07-27   生活



"... how we talk to ourselves—the specific words we use—controls the way we think. And the way we think controls how we feel and what we do."

"Why do you feel a little peeved, instead of furious? ... if you get angry, you lose control. And the other guy wins ..."

"His word had a definite effect on him—and on me. Somehow, saying "peeved" made me feel less upset."

"I left on a business trip, got to my hotel, and found they didn't have a room for me. "Excuse me," I said, "but the longer I stand here, the more I feel myself getting peeved." The clerk looked up, not quite knowing how to react, and smiled in spite of himself. I had to smile back."

"I used this word again and again. Each time, I thought it was so stupid that it broke my pattern of anger or frustration, and it immediately lowered my emotional intensity."

"Maybe this tool sounds inanely simple. It couldn't be that easy to change how we feel just by changing our language! But the truth is that words do have the power to change how we feel."

"If, for example, you were told that you're mistaken about something, you might have one reaction. If you're told you're wrong, you might have a more intense reaction. If you're told you're lying—although that's essentially the same statement—just by changing one word, the way you think and feel could be changed in a moment ..."

"... think of some new words you could use instead. Make them silly, if you want. Have fun!"

"Negative Emotion/Expression -> Transforms Into

angry -> disenchanted

depressed -> calm before action

disappointed -> delayed

embarrassed -> aware

that stinks -> that's a little aromatic

failed -> learned something

lost -> searching

terrible -> different"

"Positive Word/Expression -> Transforms into

awake -> energized

cool -> outrageous

pretty good -> unstoppable

fortunate -> unbelievably blessed

good -> can't get any better

okay -> super

quick -> explosive

smart -> brilliant

tasty -> sumptuous"

"Start using your new choices right away. Make sure you're having a "blast", and you're not just "killing time"."

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